What is the current relationship between Citizens and Civil Servants (Police)?
Is it fair to say that both are on edge? Are communities being protected or patroled?
Police Officers are the Civil Servants of their communities. There are a full range of duties and responsibilities that are not limited to; aide, protection of physical, private and public property. This has been skewed through time, but The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that police officers at all levels of the government have no duty to protect the citizens of this country.
It is the job of police officers to investigate crimes and arrest criminals.
Their role is important, challenging and dangerous at times. It is imperative that the relationship between Citizens and Civil Servants improve. The Police Officer is the “Frontline” of their community that he/she serves. Their role could easily escalate to protecting the citizens from a tyrannical government, a stance that would require trust and cooperation from both sides.
So it is not surprising that today’s Police are being trained that the Citizen is the enemy.
That each encounter is a potential threat. We see this through the actions of the police and the horrifying results of their interactions with the “everyday” man, woman and child. The countless lives being taken of the unarmed in non – life threatening situations.
Which is why it is important, but also the responsibility of the People, to govern their community and command their sworn officer’s of the law to abide by the law and hold them accountable when they fail to do so.
This is what took place in Boston, MA – late September (2015). From a video shared on YouTube, September 18th 2015, a Boston Police Officer attempted to arrest a woman on a commuter bus. This happened in Dudley Square (Shopping Area). The woman was being arrested, allegedly, for petty theft.
From what is seen in the video, the officer attempted to detain the woman. The woman began to resist, several times swinging, opened and closed fisted. This aggravated the officer, who immediately drew his gun against the unarmed woman.
This alarmed many passengers, who were already filming the incident as it was unfolding.
What happened soon after galvanized the current climate between Citizens and Civil Servants. Several Witnesses ordered for the Police Officer to drop his weapon. They are heard assuring the officer that the woman was not able to flee and she pose no real threat. After a slight stand-off and direct demands, the officer “begrudgingly holstered his weapon“.
The passengers diffused the situation and pleaded for both, the officer and the woman to “Relax” and “Chill“. Another display of Community in control was when the witnesses reassured the woman of her safety by telling her…”We’re here!”.
These actions speaks volumes to the current climate of the Country and it’s lost trust and attitude towards the Law Enforcement.
The woman would later be arrested, without further incident, after several more officers arrived to assist.
Americans must understand that they too have a responsibility for their fellow citizens. The People must be equally as vigilant to assure the safety, for themselves, each other and their police.
Would You Have Been Able To Help Diffuse This Incident?
What Are Your Thoughts On The Citizen’s Actions?