Why Is My Orange Green? In order for one to understand “why“, one must recognize Hybridization and be able to date this practice to ages ago. Procedures such as Crossbreeding and Hybridizing was the practice of creating new plants and animals from two or more different wild species. The new species carried the characteristics of […]
Read MoreWe Are Under Duress
Our Children Are Targets! Our children are being indoctrinated into The #AgeOfAquarius! Children are seen as pure Virgin Souls. Through many Satanic Cults and demonic practices, the child is a necessary #Sacrifice. Their death and manipulation is believed to be a gateway to dark powers. The government is ushering an agenda that destroys the family. There are documents […]
Read MorePutin Puts The ISIS On The Cake
At the most recent G20 gathering in Antalya, Turkey – Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he had shared intelligence with the other G20 member states. The intelligence revealed the 40 countries from which ISIS finances the majority of their terrorist activities. The list reportedly included a number of G20 countries. Putin, in many ways placed all […]
Read MoreMy Judge Is Not Colorblind
The scale of Justice seems to always be off – balance. From the arrest process to court hearings. Many can argue that they never had a fair – day in court. Let’s face it, America’s system of Justice, systematically is unfair to minorities. Though this article is not written to point out all of those […]
Read MoreIs My Blackness Offensive?
A question that will Provoke Thought and earn many responses is, Is My Blackness Offensive? Is all Fifty Shades Of Brown of it? Which leads to another question… What “shade” was and was not acceptable the night Lin Mei and her 2 friends were not admitted into Club DSTRK, because they were, “too dark” and […]
Read MoreRespect The Elders
Do you remember the incident that took place on July 09th, 2014, where Seattle resident; 69 year old, William Wingate was arrested by Seattle Police Officer Cynthia Whitlatch? Well… “Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole signed off Tuesday (Sept.15th, 2015) on findings by the department’s Office of Professional Accountability that Whitlatch, 48, broke the department’s rules in […]
Read MoreStop Thanking Veterans
Stop Thanking Veterans You see them at Train Stations, Airports, Bus Depots…in the Malls or maybe in line at the grocery stores. At one point or another, you have engaged a conversation, or given the universal “Head-nod“. In these moments of brief or long interactions, one may have felt compelled to speak these 5 Words […]
Read MoreThe 10 Benefits Of Garlic
Garlic is a powerful Natural Antibiotic. It is extremely effective! It kills a very large number of different bacteria. “Garlic is widely used in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases and ailments. The cultivation of garlic started about 5thousand years ago. It was used by the Romans, Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, Jews, Arabs and many other cultures. Pythagoras called garlic “The King […]
Read MoreWhat Do Men Know About Menstrual Pain
Women have been experiencing Menstrual Pains for ages. Some are mild discomforts as others are debilitating. A woman’s menstrual cycle can dictate their lifestyle. Once a month being the dreaded anticipation. So there is no surprise to the amount of Home Remedies and products available for women, to aide them through this hellacious period. Regardless to whether the “girlfriend’s” technique is affective or the “pills […]
Read MoreWhat If…Men Gave Birth?
What if…You had the power to do ANYTHING? What would you do? These are the type of questions and more that are asked during this What If? Show. In this show, a Florida woman engages in a light dialog with Show host, discussing a range of hypothetical topics, from; What if John F. Kennedy was […]
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